Why do some people get sick every winter and others don't?

Every winter, I see countless people in my office for flu and cold symptoms. After 26 years in practice, I've found it's pretty easy to predict who’s going to get sick and who isn't. It's not a mystery. There’s a saying that "success leaves clues." Well, so does illness—it’s predictable.
What do I mean?
Let me explain.
Ever wonder why there’s even a "flu season"? Why only during winter? Do viruses and bacteria suddenly come out of hibernation just because it’s cold? It sounds like a bad horror movie — the minute it gets dark and chilly, invisible bugs come after you!
The truth is, flu viruses are around ALL YEAR LONG. It’s just during this time of year that we tend to become more susceptible.
There are five key reasons why the flu/cold season hits hardest in winter:
#1 HIGH SUGAR CONSUMPTION. Halloween candy. Thanksgiving desserts. Grandma's cookies at Christmas. Cocktails at New Year’s. Chocolates for Valentine’s Day. Delicious goodies from clients at work. Just one, you say? Come on, it's everywhere! This is the only season where friends and family will happily sabotage your healthy eating with sugary treats. It’s a season of indulgence! (No wonder the average weight gain is 5-10 pounds during the holidays… yikes!)
#2 STRESS. Who doesn't love an obligatory dinner with the in-laws? How about that mandatory gift exchange at work? Rushing around to buy gifts with money you don’t have? Throw in icy roads and holiday travel… sound familiar?
#4 LACK OF SUNSHINE (And lots more time indoors, being sedentary, watching TV, most likely.)
#5. EXPECTING TO GET SICK. Do you catch yourself thinking, "Everyone at work is sick — I'll probably get it too," or, "The kids brought something home from school again"? You generally get what you expect.
The "bugs" that get you in winter are the same ones around us all year. They didn’t change — but we did. Thanks to sugar, stress, cold, and less sunshine, our defenses are down.
Only already "stressed" bodies are susceptible to the "critters." (Think about your garden—it's the weaker plants that succumb to mold and bacterial problems!)
So what's the solution?
For #1: Stop eating sugar. Do you really need that Snickers bar? Pie and ice cream?
For #2: This one’s trickier. In the office, I can make some personalized recommendations. I love using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), nutrition, Bach Flowers, and other techniques. Let me know if you need ideas or help.
For #3: Wear a scarf and gloves. Sounds simple, but it's crucial. Keeping your thyroid and the major blood vessels to your brain warm makes a big difference. Just do it.
For #4: Take adequate Vitamin D. While it doesn’t replace sunshine, it helps. But don’t overdo it — Vitamin D is a hormone and can be toxic in high doses. We can test your levels and guide you on the right amount.
For #5: Pay attention to your thoughts. Are you expecting to get sick? Why would you think that? Germs don’t invade healthy bodies.
Additional (and impressive) nutritional adjuncts:
Total V-RX*: When symptoms first appear, take 3 tablets, 3-4 times a day. Once you're feeling better, reduce to 2-3 tablets a day for another 3 days. When you're back to 100%, keep the remaining bottle handy for next time. This works best if you start early—don't wait until you're already sick!
Vitamin C (Food-based, not ascorbic acid): Take 2 to 6 a day.
N Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC): Take 2 a day
You can order these supplements through our website, and we’ll ship them out to you ASAP. It’s always good to have them on hand so you’re prepared.
If you do end up feeling under the weather, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment. The above strategy works most of the time, but sometimes we need to take a more tailored approach to support your immune system. Everyone is different.
So, don’t hesitate to call. I’m not afraid of "catching" whatever you have. I take my supplements and follow the 5 steps above — I walk the talk.
Avoid feeling crummy this winter. We can help!
Stay Healthy!!
Dr. Julie
*Do not take if you are pregnant
These are all adult doses.
These are not long-term strategies. These are general guidelines for immune system support for the flu/cold season. This information is to serve only as a quick guide-- it may not fit everyone's needs. Please speak to Dr. Julie directly (or your doctor) if you have specific questions or concerns about your situation. Thanks!